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PRE-REGISTRATION AND DEPOSITS ARE REQUIRED FOR CLASSES. Refer to Events & Media Tab(Section) for Dates, time and cost 

CONTACT TERRY AT 484-254-6974 or

Class Descriptions

Crystal Class for Beginners - If you love crystals and want to learn more, this 3 hour class is for you! We will go over the 7 main crystals that everyone should have in their own healing toolbox, their healing properties and care. 

Advanced Crystal Class - Thousands of years civilizations have used crystals for healing. In this 4 hour advanced class we will discuss many crystals and which conditions they aid in.

  Usui/Tibetan Reiki I- This one day class will provide you with the knowledge and experience to give Reiki to yourself and friends, family and animals.  You will also learn about the relationship between chakras and emotions and how these affect the body and how to use Reiki to restore their balance. 


Usui/Tibetan Reiki II - In this second degree level one day class, you will raise your spiritual awareness and increase your Reiki energy channeling abilities.  You will receive two powerful Reiki Degree attunements and learn the sacred Reiki Second Degree Techniques and symbols for expansion of the Reiki healing energy.  Basic knowledge of crystals will be introduced. 


Usui/Tibetan Advanced Reiki Training(ART) - a one day class where you will receive an attunement, learn the Master Symbol, learn a Reiki meditation, create a Reiki Grid using crystals and stones that will continue to send Reiki, Aura Clearing technique by William Lee Rand and experience a guided meditation that introduces you to your Reiki Guides. 


Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Part I -in this 2 day class you will receive your Master training and certification.  You will learn the attunements for all levels and practice them.  Training on crystals for each Chakra will also be given.


Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Part II(Teacher) -in this two day class you will learn how to set up your practice, how to teach classes and the marketing of them.  


Teaching Usui/Tibetan Reiki Online for Masters -in this one day class Reiki Masters will be attuned to the highest level that allows a more intense level of energy to teach Reiki on line and given the updated information to add to their existing manuals.


SoulCollage(R)-  A 5 hour workshop on a process developed by Seena B. Frost through which you contact your intuition and create an incredible deck of cards which have deep personal meaning and which will help you with life's questions.  A simple process not requiring you to be an artist where you use pictures from magazines, calendars, old photos that your soul calls you to use, bypassing your mind. The cards become your deck for your own personal readings and insights just for you! 




Contact:  Terry Bruno at 484-254-6974 or

***Cancellation Policy for Classes~ Credits towards future classes or service will be given in lieu of a refund.

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